Easiest way to Get Permanent Residency (PR) in New Zealand

Easiest way to Get Permanent Residency (PR) in New Zealand

Have ever wondered how easy it is to get permanent residency in New Zealand? Well, it’s not as complicated as you think. New Zealand happens to be one of the countries in the world with a great cultural form, and this is the reason many foreign nationals want to settle here.

Aside from its rich culture, New Zealand has a balanced game regarding its rules and regulations, which citizens find satisfactory. Whether you are interested in education or just trying to find the right career path, New Zealand has what it takes to make it worthwhile.

So in this article, I will break down the easy steps you need to take to get permanent residency in New Zealand at the end of this article you should know the;

  • Why you should apply for PR in New Zealand
  • What is required to get permanent residency in New Zealand
  • The courses that will help you secure permanent residency
  • The simple steps you need to get permanent residency in New Zealand

How would you describe your gender?

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What is your age group?

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What is your current marital status?

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What is your highest level of education?

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What is your primary reason for moving to another country?

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Do you have any dependents (children or others) who will be moving with you?

Correct! Wrong!

How long are you planning to stay in your chosen destination?

Correct! Wrong!

Which of these is most important for your study or work abroad destination?

Correct! Wrong!

What level of language proficiency do you have in languages other than your native one?

Correct! Wrong!

How important is the cost of living in your destination country?

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Why you should apply for permanent residency in New Zealand

Here are some of the reasons you should consider applying for New Zealand PR;

  • Great work-life balance: the work-life balance of New Zealand ranks number one in the world. You get to enjoy 20+ days of leave and public holidays when you work in New Zealand.
  • Cheap healthcare services: their healthcare and social security services are well subsidized for both immigrants and citizens
  • PR benefits for families: once you own a PR visa, you have the option to include your partner and dependant if they are under the age of 24. Additionally, if your children are born in the country, they will automatically gain citizenship.
  • Nature lover: New Zealand holds high regard for environmental conservation. There is a widespread open space with about 30% reserved for national parks and other protected areas.

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Top 10 courses in New Zealand leading to permanent Residency.

New Zealand is one of the best countries in which you can study as an international student. This is because they offer a diverse range of courses and programs. These courses also serve as a pathway to permanent residency in the country.  Here is a list of top courses that would help you gain PR in New Zealand


New Zealand’s booming construction and infrastructure sector creates a strong demand for qualified engineers. With engineering courses like electrical, mechanical, and civil engineering in high demand, completing an engineering program can be your ticket to permanent residency in New Zealand.

Construction and trades

Just like engineering, carpentry, plumbing, and electrical work are also in high demand as they are part of the construction industry. Possessing any of these skills puts you one step closer to securing a PR through skilled work pathways.

Business management

MBA programs are popular among international students, and New Zealand happens to have a thriving business environment. Students who graduate with these qualifications are often welcome to find opportunities that will help them secure permanent residency in New Zealand.

Agriculture and agribusiness

There is a lucrative opportunity in the agricultural industry in New Zealand. If you are interested in farming, viticulture, or agribusiness management, then you might have the chance to obtain PR as an immigrant.

Tourism and hospitality

New Zealand offers courses in hospitality management, tourism, and culinary arts. With its stunning landscape and vibrant tourism industry, graduates can find good employment in any of their hospitality sectors and work their way to Permanent residency.

Creative arts and design

This course cuts across graphic design, film production, visual arts, and artistic talents. They are the core creative industries in New Zealand. Students who graduate from these sectors can find opportunities and contribute to the country’s growth.


One way to get permanent residency in New Zealand is through skilled education. Those who focus on teaching and educating children have a rewarding career path in New Zealand and may be rewarded with PR opportunities.

Environmental Sciences

One of the core principles of New Zealand is environmental sustainability. Environmental sciences, ecology, and conservation management courses are more relevant. As a graduate of this discipline, you can contribute to the economy by helping preserve its natural beauty.

Information technology

Information technology is a highly in-demand profession worldwide; New Zealand is no exception. They seek skilled IT personnel. Software development, data science, and networking programs are highly in demand. Those who graduated from this field have ample job opportunities and a good pathway to PR

Healthcare and nursing

Nurses and healthcare professionals are in high demand in New Zealand. One of the pathways to getting parent residency in New Zealand is pursuing courses in nursing, medical technology, and healthcare management.

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10 easy steps to get permanent residency in New Zealand

New Zealand has one of the most flexible Visa systems and here is an easy way to get PR in New Zealand in 10 easy steps

  1. Take a diploma course level 7 course. Some of the courses you should choose are agriculture, IT, healthcare, transportation, etc.. A diploma is way cheaper than an MSc and shorter than a PhD
  2. A Level 7 diploma Is equivalent to a BSc in New Zealand which is mandatory for immigration purposes, especially for healthcare roles.
  3. You can move with your family on the diploma, but it must be a course on the screen list (I listed 10 of them)
  4. Diploma course can be completed in one year
  5. Get to take work placements during your diploma. This is one way to secure a permanent job that allows you to work after your diploma. Healthcare and caregiver roles are the best place to start.
  6. With your job offer, you need to apply for a skilled migrant residency visa. Note that you must work for an accredited employer
  7. You will get your skilled migrant residence visa approval between 6-12 months
  8. Once you get your approval, you now be a resident of New Zealand
  9. After you have stayed for two years on residency, you become a permanent resident.
  10. Once you’ve stayed three years on PR you become a citizen.

New Zealand Permanent Residence Requirements

  • You must be below 55  years of age
  • You should be ready to prove your intent to stay in the country
  • Speak the English language fluently
  • Have good health and good character
  • Have a job offer in hand

Benefits of having PR in New Zealand

There are a few innumerable benefits of having a New Zealand PR;

  • You get to live, study work, and travel in New Zealand without any restrictions
  • If you happen to give birth to a child, they automatically gain citizenship of New Zealand by birth
  • You get subsidized rates for social security benefits and also at medical facilities.
  • Your child will be eligible for free education at schools run by the state.
  • You can sponsor a PR visa for your relatives If they meet the residency and assurance of support requirements
  • You can apply for citizenship after you’ve stayed for a couple of years.

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